start with land

Land is so much more than dirt or boundaries. The old saying, "real estate its all about location, location, location," couldn't be more true when it comes to selecting land or a lot to build your dream home, or other purpose. Due to more complex zoning rules, land rights and allowable uses for large and small parcels of land, it takes more than an online listing to show you the options.

We highly suggest utilizing a land specialist in reviewing your choices even if that lot is inside a subdivision or planned community. For subdivisions, reading the fine print of the builders sales contract in a community is very important to understanding your land rights overall. Also having an agent represent you in this type of sale, is important to understand the costs involved with a planned community, that may fall on the buyers for support services, such as fire, police and/or schools.
For urban land or infill lots, as they are commonly called, they too can involve additional costs based on whether water, sewer or electric is available to the lot. Also opting for an environmental report may be necessary, depending upon how the land was used before. Not all in-fill lots had homes on the property. Many cities around the country are considering or have already re-zoned industrial or commerical land to residential use, and you need to be aware of it's past when purchasing.

If you are considering purchasing a larger parcel of land that is an existing farm or ranch, or unimproved land to develop your own piece of paradise, there can be zoning rules associated with these as well. If you plan to build a home there or grow certain crops or have exotic livestock, do you know where to find this information? This information can be tricky to find within local municipalities and even some land owners aren't aware of the rules, if they have been hands-off for many years. Local and state rules and laws change often concerning land use and environmental protections, so what applied just 5 years ago, may have changed. Going through a purchase of this type needs to have a land agent representing your interests to assist with the due diligence to protect your rights.
where to start
Many people who consider buying land for any purposes will want to start looking online, which is an ideal way to see what is available on the market. We don't discourage this but do suggest speaking with a land agent before or at the same time, to formulate a a profile of your needs and desired location to start narrowing your search. Having this assistance is a benefit to you as land agents are willing to look outside of the listed properties to find your ideal purchase. We can approach land owners who have not listed their land for sale, to determine if they would be open to selling to you. This approach gives you the advantage of not competing with other offers and you may find a hidden gem, based on your exact needs which are identified by working with an agent.
Back to the subject of viewing online listings, we want to give you a place to start based on various land types. Please see the options below for residential land, farm & ranch or unimproved land. If you find a property that interests you, email or call with the address or description and we will discuss the details and to begin narrowing your search with personalized results via email.
The search results below are focused on Orange County Florida, but if you are interested in other areas, email or call (see the bottom of this page) to discuss the area or county you want to see. We will send you personalized search results for that area of interest.
Now, Let's Get Started!